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Título : La gestión turística y su influencia en el desarrollo del ecoturismo en el sector El Voladero de la Reserva Ecológica el Ángel a partir del año 201
Autor : Paspuel Enríquez, Daniela Mishelle
Palabras clave : Protected area, El Voladero, tourism management, ecotourism development
Fecha de publicación : feb-2021
Editorial : UPEC
Citación : ETE-382
Resumen : El Ángel Ecological Reserve (REEA) is a protected area. It is located in Carchi province and it is extended to three cantons Mira, Espejo and Tulcán. This reserve has an enormous natural wealth of both flora and fauna. The main goal of the present research work is to analyze tourism management and its influence on the development of ecotourism in the El Voladero sector since 2015. The main problem is that the reserve is in a low position among other protected areas of Ecuador in relation to the number of visitors. To carry out this research, the qualitative approach was applied simultaneously with the non-experimental method and its correlational-causal design, since this design describes relationships between two or more variables. On the other hand, the type of research was bibliographic, documentary and field because it was necessary to collect information from books, scientific articles, theses, among other documents that allowed the development of research background, to identify the current situation of tourism management in the sector, as well as the improvement of ecotourism. In addition, it was necessary to fill out a technical sheet where each of the indicators of both tourism management and ecotourism development is summarized. Through the analysis of these indicators, it was found that the deficient application of a tourist management of the area harm and influence on the development of ecotourism. Finally, it is determined the reason why this ecological reserve is not well positioned within the areas of Ecuador in relation to the number of visitors.
URI : http://repositorio.upec.edu.ec/handle/123456789/994
Aparece en las colecciones: Carrera de Turismo y Ecoturimo

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